City of Mackay Code of Laws
Ordinances are created to regulate what happens in a city and how it is to happen. Ordinances insure that everyone is treated justly, fairly and equally. Ordinances are also cubersome to negociate with specific language and format being required. By Codifying the ordinances, only the requirements are listed, eliminating all the confusing lanquage. Codifying also allows combination of all ordinances into one document which is alphabetized and searchable. To access the Code of the City of Mackay click on the blue words 'CITY CODE" below the red star at the left. The individual City Ordinances will no longer be available on this webpage. If an Ordinance is needed, please contact the Clerk during regular office hours.
The City of Mackay is a Zoned Community.A Building (Zoning ) Permit is Required
To Establish and Conduct Buisness in Mackay You Must Register the Business and Obtain a License
The City of Mackay Requires a Vendor Permit for all Vendors