Employees of the City of Mackay
Cynthia Smith
Chardon Hartley
Jennifer Lambert
Duane Jernberg
Eric Estrada
Meet The City Team
Cynthia Smith is the City Clerk/City Treasurer. She is responsible for all the affairs of the City. Her email address is clerk.cindy@cityofmackay.com
Jennifer Lambert is the Deputy Clerk. She is responsible for City Sewer and Water Billing and reservations in the City Parks and Tourist Park. Her email address is deputyclerk.jennifer@cityofmackay.com
Chardon Hartley is the City of Mackay Public Works Supervisor. Chardon is responsible for all surveilance, operation and maintenance ot the City Sewer and Water Systems, City Streets, Parks, Buildings. Chardon does not respond to communications from the public. His work is assigned as needed by the Mayor.
Duane Jernberg & Eric Estrada are Assistants to the Public Works Supervisor.